Department Awards

Houston Public Works is the largest and most diverse public works organization in the country. Houston Public Works is accredited by the American Public Works Association.

Below includes a highlight of awards given by various professional organizations received by the department, various service line teams, and individuals. Congratulations to everyone honored. Together we create a strong foundation for Houston to thrive.

Jay Patel

John German Award for Exemplary Service to Public Works
Jay Patel, P.E.
American Public Works Association (APWA)

Jay Patel
Exceptional Performance Award Journalism American Public Works Association (APWA)
Johana Clark
Legendary Women Award Transportation and Drainage Operations Houston Latino Chamber of Commerce
MKT Project
Project of The Year Transportation Award MKT Project American Public Works Association Texas Chapter
Bravo Award
Bravo Award Letrista 'Lee' Brown Senior Contract Administrator Transportation & Drainage Operations
Bravo Award Jene L. Cash
Bravo Award Jené Cash Real Estate Manager Real Estate Services