File Naming Convention

A rigorous file naming convention has been adopted for all files which are placed on any Houston Public Works public facing or internal website. This is to ensure we have the most up to date documents available for internal users and the public. Each file name will begin with a number. This number will be unique to each Service Line or other entity. Use the table below. Do not use spaces, capital letters or any special characters other than "_" and "-". If there are any questions about the file naming convention, contact [email protected] 

File Name Pre-Fix Service Line or Branch File Name Example
001 Capital Projects 001-file_name.extension
002 Customer Account Services 002-file_name.extension
003 Houston Water 003-file_name.extension
004 Transportation and Drainage 004-file_name.extension
005 Office of the Director 005-file_name.extension
006 Green Building Resource Center 006-file_name.extension
007 Houston Permitting Center 007-file_name.extension
008 Learning & Development 008-file_name.extension
009 Department Forms* 009-file_name.extension
010 Banners & HPW Images 010-file_name.extension

* These forms will eventually be re-directed the City of Houston E-Gov site.

If there are any questions, please contact [email protected]. To request content additions, changes or updates, please contact Service Now.